Change in progress
The rise of queer, trans, and non-binary visibility combined with internet-aided global conversations make for breakneck-speed language development. Linguists call this “change in progress,” and it’s understandably difficult to follow for those who aren’t using that language in their day-to-day.
I am a highly trained and certified translator and interpreter, a Linguistics PhD student, and a long-time member of both English- and Spanish-speaking queer, trans, and non-binary communities in the U.S. and in Spain. I have been translating and interpreting for these communities since 2011, and I want to share my expertise with you so that you, in turn, can include my community in the conversation.
Good intentions don’t cut it in the current landscape; your project deserves a professional who specializes in culturally competent language. Please reach out to learn how I can help you be as inclusive and welcoming as possible!
A Diversity of Tactics
I would be thrilled to collaborate with you in whichever capacity would be most helpful, whether that’s directly translating or interpreting, revising or amending existing English or Spanish text, consulting on a current project, leading a staff training, or something else entirely. Please email me so we can figure out how to work together.
Beyond my work in the local community and my PhD research, I love sharing my work on trans and non-binary language within the professional translation community. Depending on your preferred medium, and from newest to oldest, you may enjoy the following resources. There are a lot more at Suggested Reading!
In English
Podcast episode: An interview for The Vocal Fries about non-binary Spanish, translation, and interpretation.
Transcript: Transcript of the above interview with The Vocal Fries.
Article: You, Me, Hir, and Non-Binary Language, for Intercambios Online, a translation magazine ran by the Spanish Division of the American Translators Association. This is an English translation of my original Spanish article, Tú, yo, elle y el lenguaje no binario, for La Linterna del Traductor.
En español
Podcast episode: An interview for Un lenguaje sin fronteras about non-binary Spanish and the ethics of translating minorities.
Article: Visibilizar o interpretar: respuesta al Informe de la Real Academia Española sobre el lenguaje inclusivo y cuestiones conexas (2020), with Dr. Susana Rodríguez Barcia and Dr. María del Carmen Cabeza Pereiro, responding to the Real Academia Española’s 2020 report on gender-inclusive language.
Video: A group discussion with four other professionals of trans and non-binary translation (Flor Aguilar, Darío Gael Blanco, Begoña Martínez-Pagán and Herminia Páez Prado) for ATRAE, Spain’s association for audiovisual translators.
Infographic: Traducción y género, by Ramón Soler, reviewing key concepts discussed the above discussion.
Article: Tú, yo, elle y el lenguaje no binario, for La Linterna del Traductor about non-binary Spanish and its translation.
En galego
Article: Ti, eu, ele e a linguaxe non binaria na tradución entre inglés e castelán, for the journal Viceversa. This is a Galician translation by Carla Míguez Bóveda of my original Spanish article, Tú, yo, elle y el lenguaje no binario, for La Linterna del Traductor.
Qualifications and Memberships
In the eight years I have spent translating and interpreting, I have become a CCHI-certified Spanish medical interpreter and ATA-certified Spanish to English and English to Spanish translator. Additionally, I’m currently a member of the Professional Development Committee of the American Translators Association, and a member in good standing of:
Asetrad: Asociación Española de Traductores, Correctores e Intérpretes
ATA: American Translators Association
NCIHC: National Council on Interpreting in Health Care
TREMÉDICA: Asociación Internacional de Traductores y Redactores de Medicina y Ciencias Afines