Editing and sensitivity reading
As a linguist and a translator, I have been editing texts both in English and in Spanish for years and would be happy to edit for you. I am available for bilingual editing, where I would review a translated text and use the original as a reference, and for monolingual editing, where I review a text either in English or in Spanish as an original.
I am also a sensitivity reader for non-binary, trans, and queer topics both in English and in Spanish. Sensitivity readers are a little-known but incredibly valuable specialized resource. In the same way that you wouldn’t write a scientific text without help from scientists in the field, sensitivity readers are members of specific communities who can help make your text or product more inclusive and friendly for community members. Consider us cultural editors.
Please email me at artemis[at]queerterpreter[dot]com or fill out this contact form if you’d like to work together. If you’re looking for a sensitivity reader but I’m not the best match for your text I would love to help you find another, whether you’re looking for a different language, different topic, or just a different perspective. Let me know how I can help.